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About Us

Marchwood Men's Shed is a place for people (not just men) to socialise, share skills and create.

Our Story

Marchwood Men's Shed was formed in 2022 by local residents who identified a need in the local community.


Since then, the Shed has become a registered charity and received generous financial support from Welcome Co-op, Solent Gateway, the Barker Mills Foundation, Dibden Allotments Fund, Marchwood Power, Cllr David Harrison and Cllr Sue Bennison.


As a 'starter project', the shedders embarked on a bird box project in partnership with Marchwood Parish Council and the local schools. Some bird boxes were delivered fully constructed to Marchwood Church of England Infant School to be painted by the children. The rest were delivered in kit form to Marchwood Junior School for the children to both construct and paint. The birdboxes will soon be installed around the Marchwood Open Spaces.


The group have ambitions to continue their community projects by building planters for the 'Welcome to Marchwood' signs and the Village Centre. They also have plans to work further with the village schools and to build items to sell at the Village Fete and other events.

Tool Shed
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